The most excellent and virtuous learning is that of the primary science—the revealed verses. In it Allah ﷻ says “Certainly We have revealed clear communications”—thus we have, at Mubeen College, adopted and adorned our seal with the immortal speech of Allah ﷻ. Mubeen College embodies the true, authentic, and clear message of Allah ﷻ as it was revealed to the epitome of human integrity—Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. For it is our knowledge of the revealed verses in its proper context that we are brought in to the light and equipped with the manifest morals. It is only by harmonizing our free choice with the manifest morals that we are raised in ranks among God’s illustrious creation.
Bachelor’s Degree in Islamic Studies
At the core of our curriculum is the Islamic tradition deeply rooted in the divine source. We are working to restore the practical knowledge that was in essence the way of life for the first generation of believers. The program is designed so that courses taken earlier develops the framework of thinking and perspective, and later courses establishes the methodology and application. Every course and graduation requirement is essential to the intellectual progression of the curriculum as a whole.
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11543 K-Tel Drive,
Minnetonka, MN 55343